Day in the life of an intern: Madalina Ifrim
Madalina Ifrim has been an intern at RCI Bank since August 2019 working with our Marketing and Data Analytics teams. She joined us from the University of Manchester where she is completing a BSc in Management (Marketing). Here she answers a few questions about her experience at RCI Bank over the past year.

Why did you choose RCI Bank for your internship?

Through my course I had the opportunity to apply for a year in industry as a way to get a clearer perspective on what I want to do in my life as well as gain some practical experience. I applied to RCI Bank as the values of the company resonated with me, and I wanted the opportunity to work for a well-known brand.

At the assessment centre, I had the chance to speak with the previous intern who was completing his internship with the RCI Bank team. He explained that his job combines data analytics with marketing in a demanding, but rewarding way and I was hooked – RCI Bank was my first choice and I was really lucky to receive an offer!

What does a typical day look like for you?

No two days are the same, and my role definitely evolved throughout my time at RCI Bank. I work in a small team which makes every single day of my internship demanding but fulfilling.

At the beginning of my internship, I was given tasks which were more data-heavy and analytical. These tasks included weekly trend round-ups, daily reports for HQ and analysis reports of the savings market.  These tasks helped me gain a comprehensive overview of RCI Bank and the savings industry.

More recently, my role has shifted to centre more around marketing projects, which has allowed me to take on new challenges.

What is the culture at RCI Bank like?

RCI Bank’s culture is friendly and open - the company keeps its customers at the heart of what they do. I received a very warm welcome when I first joined, and was given the opportunity to be involved in lots of different tasks, take initiative and make a visible contribution to the company.

How have you adapted during the current lockdown?

It took a while to adapt during the first few weeks, which I’m sure has been the same for everyone! I’d of course much rather ask questions face to face and the technical equipment that makes data analysis tasks much easier is still in the office, which makes working from home more time consuming. However, with the support of my team at RCI Bank, I’ve learnt to adapt.

What are your top tips for working from home?

Keeping a routine is really important for me as it helps me to be more productive. I have designated a ‘work only’ area to ensure that I’m in the right frame of mind to work. Also, a strict schedule and a clear to-do list helps me set priorities at the beginning of my working day.

How have you been spending your time outside of work?

I have used my free time to develop my skills. Studying for my B2 German Exam has definitely occupied my time, but I’ve also taken some online qualifications to expand my marketing expertise such as learning more about Google ads, Google analytics, content creation and data analytics.

My other interests include theatre and opera.

What do you aspire to do in the future? What’s next for you after your internship?

One of my expectations at the beginning of the year was to discover what I think will suit me the most as a graduate job. Right now, my ideal role would be to work for an agency, as I would like the opportunity to build on my experience by working with a number of different clients. However, for now, I’m hoping to gain more experience through internships as well as finishing my studies in Manchester.

Do you have any advice for students looking for an internship?

Looking for an internship is a marathon, not a sprint and everyone faces obstacles along the way. Don’t be discouraged by potential rejections, and ask for feedback when you can, so that you learn as you go. Just remember, you’ll cross the “finish line” and find your dream job eventually but it might just take time!

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