RCI Bank named a 2019 Which? Recommended Provider!
We’re delighted to announce that RCI Bank has been named a Which? Recommended Provider for Savings Accounts in 2019.

Which? Recommended Providers are companies that are both rated highly by the public and have products that meet the high standards of Which? researchers.

Find out more about what being a Which? Recommended Provider means here on their website.

Saving Products

We understand that everyone has different saving priorities. Whether you're saving towards a house, for retirement or even a one-off holiday to the Bahamas in a luxury 5-star hotel, we have options for you. That’s why we offer a variety of savings accounts tailored to your needs. Find out more information about our products here.

Customer Service

However, we don’t think we’re just any other bank...

As a savings bank, we’re committed to providing excellent service to all of our customers, whatever their saving goals and we’ve been doing this in the UK since 2015. We want you to see us as human, so we like to think we add a personalised touch to your banking experience.

Can you think of any other questions?

We’re here to answer any queries on 03456 056 050 seven days a week if you ever need any support or check out our FAQ section on our recently new rebranded website.


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