How to budget while on your “gap year”, whenever that may be!
Taking the typical ‘gap yah’ before uni is certainly not the only option. We believe a gap year can be taken at any age, whether you are between jobs or in retirement. To help you out, we’ve thought of ways to budget on your year out to give you an extra bit of confidence to take the plunge.

   1. Know Your Stuff!

Before packing up your bags or leaving your job for a year, make sure you do the right planning. Whether you want to explore the far-flung corners of the world or simply pop over the English Channel to France, knowing all the costs before embarking on an adventure will certainly make budgeting easier. Working out where you need a visa, healthcare costs abroad and even planning what you want to do in the long run could save you forking out a fortune last minute, or missing out on last minute deals. Prospects lists some gap year essentials which could help you save money on whatever you decide to do!

   2. Save Money on Travel

Travel can be expensive but luckily there are ways to keep the costs down. Keep an eye out for off-peak fares and advance deals online, sometimes you can save money by buying multiple tickets at the same time. Tightening the belt on travel can even be as simple as avoiding the super-fast trains if time isn’t a factor. Lifehack has some ideas on how to save the dollars whilst travelling abroad so take these on board. 

   3. Where to stay?

Accommodation is likely to be the most expensive part of your trip, but there are ways of keeping the costs down. Try to be savvy and check out quirky alternatives. Look for house swap and exchange sites online to find free accommodation if you’re prepared to offer your house in return. Other options you might not have thought of are living as a ‘house sitter’ or ‘dog-minder! Head over to The Guardian for ideas.

   4. Getting a Job

A way to make your cash stretch further (and have more fun) is to earn money on your year out. Getting a job could even be an opportunity to meet new people if you’re going solo. There are plenty of ways out there to make some spare change without it dominating your holiday. From working freelance, to teaching English, documenting your travels as a travel writer, or even working on a home stay, the world is your oyster. The Guardian suggests a range of gap-year jobs so check them out.


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